Artwork by Gretsky
The theme DeCOmp 2016 was “Atomic Age” (theme submitted by Ian Williams) and took place October 15th, 2016. This time around, the event was held at Exdo Events Center located in Denver’s RiNo District. As usual, we welcomed all ages to our temporary city within a city. Walnut Street was blocked off to accommodate the record amount of art shared by members of the community. We had an outdoor performance and music stage in the parking lot of Fusion Factory, plus the indoor main stage with multiple performance platforms. The art…the art was amazing and it seemed like it was everywhere you looked!
The Volunteer Appreciation Party was well attended the evening prior. Food was available for all to enjoy along with multiple interactive gifts made on-site by our volunteers. Our volunteers worked tirelessly to make the event happen. It was an amazing event!
> > DeCOmp 2016 After Burn Report
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